Zabel Family Reunion 2005 – Held Legion Hall in Western, NE Aug. 14, 2005.

Zabel Family

Linda Zabel and Paly Partsch did a great job of planning, organizing and presiding over the reunion. A clan number (as I have dubbed it) was added to the name tags this year. This number designated which of Christians children was your ancestor. There were 62 in pictures, there were 66 present according to the roster. 5 were from outside of Nebraska. 1 from MO and 4 from TX. I want to thank every one that turned in one of the Family Group sheets. There was some information I did not already have on every single one of them. See Sue Pray’s pictures from reunion 2005. By my count; 92 were in attendance for the 2003 event. See Sue Pray’s pictures from reunion 2003. See Pat Harrington’s candid pictures from reunion 2003.